Enter your details below to proceed
Rewards & Loyalty Program
Your elderly can earn Khyaal coins on each transaction and claim amazing rewards using it
On-Demand Assistance
Personalised on-demand assistance over a simple phone call at the comfort of your home
Khyaal Card
Secure online payment with India's first smart payment card for senior citizens. Get amazing offers and discounts
Exclusive Events Access
Your elderly loved one will get unlimited access to all our events and stand a chance to win prizes
Refer & Win
Your elderly loved one can win ₹ 100 and 1000 Khyaal Coins every time they successfully refer a friend and their friend will also earn 1000 Khyaal Coins on successfully registering as a Khyaal Club member
Part-time Jobs
Your elderly loved one can choose from multiple opportunities that match their criteria and skill sets
Rewards & Loyalty Program
Your elderly can earn Khyaal coins on each transaction and claim amazing rewards using it
On-Demand Assistance
Personalised on-demand assistance over a simple phone call at the comfort of your home
Khyaal Card
Secure online payment with India's first smart payment card for senior citizens. Get amazing offers and discounts
Exclusive Events Access
Your elderly loved one will get unlimited access to all our events and stand a chance to win prizes
Refer & Win
Your elderly loved one can win ₹ 100 and 1000 Khyaal Coins every time they successfully refer a friend and their friend will also earn 1000 Khyaal Coins on successfully registering as a Khyaal Club member
Part-time Jobs
Your elderly loved one can choose from multiple opportunities that match their criteria and skill sets
© 2025 Taisho Ventures Private Limited